
Manufactured by:

Seawind/S.N.A., Inc.
P.O. Box 607, Kimberton
Pennsylvania 19442

Phone: (610) 983-3377
Fax: (610) 933-3335


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The Seawind Aircraft is a sleek four place, fast amphibian. It's sleek flowing lines make it a very striking plane.

It has a spacious cabin, panoramic view, quiet environment and form fitting seats, all combine to create total traveling comfort.

The structural integrity and versatility of a high performance amphibian make the Seawind the ultimate recreational aircraft.

The Seawind is available as a kit plane and is designed for ease of construction.




Cabin Length 105"
Cabin Width Front 52"
Rear 54"
Baggage Opening 18" x 40"
Length 74"
Volume 20 cu. ft.
Wing Span 35 ft.
Height 10 ft. 2 in.
Overall Length 27 ft. 2 in.
Ground Clearance 8.5 in.
Engine Lycoming IO-540
Propeller Constant Speed Hartzell 3 blade 76"
Wing Area 160 sq.ft.
Wing Loading 21.25 lbs./sq.ft.
Power Loading 11.33 lbs./hp
Maximum Gross Weight 3400 lbs.
Empty 2300 lbs.
Useful 1100 lbs.
Fuel Capacity - Mains 74 US gals.
Optional - Aux. 36 US gals.
PERFORMANCE Sea Level Speed 100% Power 200 mph
Cruise 75% Power (8000 ft.) 191 mph
Cruise 55% Power (8000 ft.) 169 mph
Fuel Burn at 55% Power 12.8 gph
Max. Range (no reserve) 980 miles
With optional fuel 1460 miles
Rate of Climb 1250 fpm
Rate of Climb Speed 99 mph
Angle of Climb Speed 74 mph
Stall Speed Clean 72 mph
Flaps & Wheels 59 mph
Land Water Takeoff Distance 870 ft. 1100 ft.
Over 50' Obstacle 1175 ft. 1450 ft.
Landing Distance 770 ft. 620 ft.
Over 50' Obstacle 1300 ft. 1150 ft.
Service Ceiling 20,700 ft



The pre-molded parts and the unique bonding system make it possible to construct a Seawind in 2,400 to 3,000 hours. All fiberglass parts are pre-molded. There is no need to construct time-consuming plugs or do any wet lay-ups of parts.

All exterior fiberglass components are produced in molds. Therefore, all exterior surfaces are smooth and require a minimum amount of sanding and finishing prior to painting.

Quick Build Kit:



The Seawind is available in kit form and can be purchased in a single delivery or in sub kits. All kits have been in production for some time and many production models are flying. Prices do not include engine, propeller, avionics and instruments, wiring, upholstery, or paint.

The Standard Seawind kit is delivered in one shipment for $54,980, plus crating and shipping.

A three delivery option is also available at $55,430. The first delivery is the ailerons and empenage, the second is the fuselage, and the third is the flight package, wings, and controls. If you do not have the storage space or if you wish to spread the cost over a period of time, the three delivery option is convenient.

The Seawind kit may also be purchased in eight separate sub kits for $55,890. This enables the builder to proceed with the assembly as time and finances permit.

Seawind has a complete line of Options and Accessories available to its builders. The most popular time saving option is the Seawind Kwick Kit, which can reduce your assembly time by 400 to 600 hours. The Kwick Kit Option is offered for $10,850.

Last updated: 13/10/2000;      Bernhard Stamm

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